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Artist:     Antonio de Pian (1784 Venice - 1851 Vienna)
Item ID   1047
Price:     3000.00 €


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Rare architecture painting with classisal subject ( Cathédral Notre-Dame de Laon /France) created in the early 19 century by the famous italian-austrian architecture and decoration painter Antonio de Pian (1784 Venice - 1851 Vienna). He studied in Venice under the influence of Canaletto. Since 1816 Antonio de Pian worked in Vienna as a court theater painter.

* The Cathedral of Laon (Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Laon), in the Picardy region of France, dates from the 12th century. Laon Cathedral is known for its imposing towers, its beautiful Gothic architecture, and its importance as a major stop on the medieval pilgrimage route to SSantiago in Spain. (photos on

Inscription: signed de Pian lower right

Technique: oil on canvas. Original classical gold-plated frame.

Measurements: unframed 24" x 30 1/3" (61 x 77 cm); framed 29 4/5" x 36 1/4" (76 x 92 cm)

Condition: in very good condition, canvas professional relined.