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Artist:     Carl von Blaas (1815-1894)
Item ID   1149
Price:     2800.00 €


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DISCOUNT PRICE ! Old original price was 3800 €.

Religious painting with museum´s quality created ca. 1840s and due to the style and composition attributed to famous Austrian historical and religion painter Carl von Blaas (1815-1894) .

Baron Carl von Blaas (1815 Nauders/Tyrol - 1894 Vienna), father of the famous genre painter Eugen von Blaas, was a very important figure of the Austrian art history. He was a student of the Venice Academy between 1832 and 1837, travelled to Rome on a five-year-grant and there came into contact with the leading member of the Nazarenes, the German artist Overbeck and his circle. He also studied in Munich for two years and then painted comission works for churches in Paris, London, Italy, Hungary, Russia etc. From 1851 he stayed in Vienna and from 1856-1866 was a Professor of the Venice Academy. Von Blaas shared the Nazarene's fascination with Renaissance artists and identified with their religious mission of art.

Inscription: unsigned

Technique: oil on canvas, luxuriousy original period frame

Measurements: unframed w 14 2/3" x h 20 " (37 x 51 cm); framed w 22 1/3" x h 28 " ( 57 x 71 cm)

Condition: in very good condition