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Artist:     Germain Fabius Brest ( French 1823 - 1900)
Title:     Monumental view of Venice: gondolas before the Bridge of Sighs
Item ID   1663
Price:     18000.00 €


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Monumental view of Venice with gondolas before the Bridge of Sighs was executed 1874 by very renown and high quoted French painter Gemain Fabius Brest (1823 Marseille - 1900 Marseille). We found the small study (18.5 cm x 15.0 cm) to our painting, which was represanted for sale in the auction house Rieunier & Associes S.A.R.L, Paris on 19.03.2012 (for comparison see additional photo). The pupil of Ecole d. B.-Arts in Marseille under Loubon, later by Troyon in Paris, the artist debuted with exhbitions in the Salon 1851with view of Ste-Beaume , 4 years later - with views from Piemont and Provance, from Constantinople , where he lived 4 years and orientalistic motives with fine sence for pictoral milieu: "Turk Cafe "(1857); "Bosphrus by Bebek", ""Court of Great Mosque in Trapezunt"(1863)and others. For high quotes in the international auctions for paintings by G.F.Brest see additional photos.

Literature: Benezit "Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs"; Thieme/Becker "Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler.."

Inscription: signed Fabius Brest and dated 1874 lower

Technique: oil on canvas. Luxuriousy original period gold-plated frame.

Measurements: unframed w 35 " x h 46 1/2" (89 x 118 cm), framed w 47 1/4" x h 58 2/3 " (120 x 149 cm)

Condition: in very good condition.

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