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Artist:     Adalbert (Vojtech) Suchy (1783 - 1849)
Title:     Portrait of an uhlan officer, adjustment 1838
Item ID   2024
Price:     5500.00 €


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A high quality romantical portrait of an uhlan officer executed due to the uniform in 1837 by good listed Austrian miniature and portrait painter Adalbert Suchy (1783 Klattau, Bohemia - 1849 Vienna). The artist, a son of a carpenter. in 1802 became a student of the Academy in Vienna, where he studied under Schmutzer, and where he exhibited between 1820 and 1840. In his realistically seized miniatures he reminds more on the early miniature portraits of Ferdinand George Waldmueller. he painted numerous members of the Austrian emperor house, royal court and aristocracy, under others: Emperor Franz, Emperor Ferdinand, Cardinal Ore Duke Rudolf, Ore Duchess Leopoldine Karoline of Austria and Ore D uke Franz Carl. The artist is considered as skillful miniature painter. For the faces used he carmine-pink, which are typical for him. IHis miniatures and small oil portraits are very cleanly implemented. Works his hand were formerly in nearly all good miniature collections and City Museum of Vienna (Wien-Museum).

Literature: Thieme/Becker V. 5, 1911. H.Fuchs "Lexicon of austrian artists of 19th century", Vienna, 1975;

Inscription: artist`s scratched signature middle right, n the reverse old collectors memory label with insvcription in German (see photo) .

Technique: oil on paper, laid down on wood panel. Oginal period gold-plated wood frame.

Measurements: unframed w 6 1/2 " x h 8 1/2" (16,5 x 21,5 cm), framed w 10 " x h 11 3/4 " (25,5 x 30 cm)

Condition: in very good condition .

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