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Artist:     Bernard Duvigeon or Du Vigeon (1683 - 1760)
Title:     "Portrait of grandee", miniature on ivory
Item ID   2186
Price:     2800.00 €


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This portrait miniature, was executed in 1715 ( the time of French Regence (1710-1730)) by famous French miniaturist Bernard du Vigeon or Duvigeon (1683 - 1760 Paris), With large probability it is portrait of Charles, Duke of Berry (1686–1714) , the grandson of Louis XIV. For comparison see :,_duc_de_Berry

The author of miniature was cort portrait and miniature painter in Paris , created in this time portraits of Kings and Dukes of Orleans. Later in 1740 he painted in Lothringen for Duke Franz III five portraits.

Literature: Thieme/Becker 1999;Benezit ,1999, cat.of miniature exhibition in Vienna, 1905 , p.332(with illustration).

Inscription: signed and dated on the reverse of ivory, and inscribed on reverse of cover.

Technique: gouache on vellum (parchment).

Measurements: h. 2 3/16 " x w 2 3/4" ( 5,5 x 7 cm ), framed w 2 1/2" x h 3" (6,5 x 7,7 cm)

Condition: in very good condition.

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