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Artist:     Moritz Michael Daffinger (1790 - 1849)
Title:     Important portrait miniature on ivory "Victor Metternich, the son of Clemens Wenzel Prince Metternich, European poltician and Austrian Minister of State"
Item ID   2193
Price:     15000.00 €


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Extreme rare miniature on ivory by the best Austrian miniaturist of 19th century Moritz Michael Daffinger (1790 - 1849), depicting portrait of Victor (Franz Karl Viktor) Metternich, the son of one of the most important personality in Europe after Vienna Congress (1814), polician and minister of state Klemens Wenzel Lothar Prince Metternich (1773 - 1859). For comparison see additional photo of the famous miniature "Children of Metternich"by Daffinger with image of Viktor in more younger age. On the reverse of miniature there is an old incription with name of the sitter and reference to Dr.Keil ( renowed Viennese expert for  portrait miniatures Mrs. Dr. Nora Keil ). 

Literature: Emil Pirchan "Moritz Michael Daffinger", Miniaturmaler des Vormärz"; "Nachlass des Miniaturmalers M.M. Daffinger", Wawra, auction catal. 22.April 1921; Dr.Nora Keil "Die Miniaturen der Albertina in Wien", 1977; Prof.H.Fuchs "Dictionary of Austrian artists", Vienna, 1975.

Inscription: signed lower right, on the reverse - incription with name of sitter and reference to Dr.Keil ( Viennese portrait miniature expert Mrs. Dr. Nora Keil ).

Technique: gouache on ivory. original period gilt bronze frame.

Measurements: unframed w 2 7/16" x h 13 " (6,2 x 7,8 cm), framed w 2 9/16" x h 3 1/4 " (6,5 x 8 ,1 cm)

Condition: in very good condition.

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