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Artist:     Franz Xaver von Pausinger ( Austrian, 1839 - 1915)
Title:     Deer family in the forest
Item ID   4727
Price:     4000.00 €


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Deer family in the forest, this animalistic painting was executed by famous Austrian animal and hunting painter Franz Xaver von Pausinger (* 10 February 1839 in Salzburg; † 7 April 1915 in Salzburg).

Franz Xaver von Pausinger (10 February 1839 – 7 April 1915) was an Austrian landscape and animal painter. He was born and died in Salzburg.Franz Xaver von Pausinger spent his childhood in Schloss Frein in Frankenburg am Hausruck. He attended the Volksschule there and later the Realschule in Salzburg. He was trained as an academic painter in Karlsruhe and Zürich.After gaining fame as an illustrator, he accompanied Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria on a trip to the East. He was also occupied as an illustrator in Vienna and Munich. He lived in Salzburg, with a home and studio in Schloss Elsenheim.He married Rosalia Hinterhuber, the daughter of a pharmacist. He was buried in a grave of honor at the Salzburger Kommunalfriedhof. In 1915, the Salzburg street Pausingerstraße was named after him. In 1920 the Pausingergasse in Penzing was also named after him. Substantial parts of his legacy are owned by the Salzburg Museum.

Literature : (in German): Prof. H.Fuchs"Austrian artist of 19th century" , Vienna, 1975; A. Rohrmoser: "Pausinger, Franz August von". In: Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Vol. 7, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1978; Nikolaus Schaffer: Franz von Pausinger - ein Anachronismus? Salzburger Museumsblätter, 76. Jahrgang, Nr. 6, Juli 2015.

Inscription: signed and indistinctly dated lower left.

Technique: oil on canvas. Original period frame.

Measurements: unframed w 301/3" x h 29 1/2"(77 x 75 cm), framed w 34 1/4" x h 33 1/2"( 87 x 85 cm)

Condition: very good .

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