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Artist:     Mikhail Alexandrovich Alisov (1859 - 1933), in Russian: Михаил Алисов
Title:     Riffles on the river Dnieper near Yekaterinoslav / now Dnipropetrovsk
Item ID   4775
Price:     price on request


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This work is one of 5 paintings of famous Russian-Ukrainian marine and landscape artist Mikhail Alexandrovich Alisov , in Russian: Михаил Александрович Алисов, born 1859 in Kharkov , died 1933 in Yalta. All this works were purchased from a private estate in Italy but the former owner is Vera Ivanovna Malama-Sinelnikova, in order of which the author M.A.Alisov created this paintings. Proof of this conclusion is the original memory inscription on the back label of the painting item No. 4773, written by the her grandson , where indicated that this works were executed in environment of the noble estate Nikolaevskoe by Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk/Ukraine) of his grandmother noble lady Vera Malama.

Due to the Russian genealogy web-site Vera Ivanovna Malama-Sinelnikova (1854 - 1908), famous noble lady in Ekaterinoslav of the time, was the grand-granddaughter of Ivan Maksimovich Sinelnikov , well-known Russian statesman and military, Major General, ruler Yekaterinoslav governorship in 1784-1788, a companion to Prince Gregory Potemkin. Her husband Vladimir Malama came also from famous Russian noble family Malama, which is connected to the Ruthenian Hetman Daniel Apostol and also establishes a relationship with the Count of K.G.Razumovsky, the last Hetman, the last Ruthenia/Malorossia.

This actual painting depicts exactly the same view as the first work, Item No. 4773, namely "Nenastenskye" riffles of the river Dnieper on the grounds of the noble estate of Vera Malama-Sinelnikov, ca. 30 km after Yekaterinoslav / now Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

Since in the same inscription by grandson´s hand was translated into Italian and the last owner of the paintings was also a Italian family, it could be assumed that the provenance of these paintings was as following:

The author Mikhail Alisov painted them In the order of Vera Malama, and they were taken by her from the revolutionary Russia abroad and later was inherited by her grandson, who settled in Italy.

To the proof of the conclusion you could see quotation from the Russian Wikipedia about the history of this noble estate of Vera Malama and its connection to Russian Empress Ekaterina II (see in Russian the following link:Малама):

"... Vera Ivanovna Malama, as great-granddauther of General Sinelnikov, was inherited the estate Nikolaevskoe, which was gifted by Empress Catherine II to her great grandfather. The estate was on the shore of Dnieper at Nenastenskyh Rapids (riffles). Catherine II, travelling to Kherson, visited this estate and stayed in a specially constructed temporary palace in the same name. From the Rock of the Monasteries, Her Majesty enjoying the riffles and the way pilots conduct the Royal Flotilla through the thresholds. The Rock was named after the Empress "Ekaterininskaja Skala"...

In this estate, there were many things that belonged to the Hetman Daniel Apostol: two ivory and black tree pins, painted inlaid and precious stones, Hetman saddle and Zhupan, caftan, weapons, and a friend. A lot of family portraits, a lot of antique crews, by the way, a ruler that drove the entourage of the Empress of Catherine II of Ekaterinoslav in the estate Nikolaevskoe during the journey of Empress in Kherson. The palace and the museum lived safely before the 1917 revolution, and according to some information, Vera Malama succeeded in leaving Russia, rescuing with herself many relics".

For Russian clients here are few quotations from Wikipedia in Russian about history of this area before and after revolution 1917 :

"... Днепро́вские поро́ги — выходы горных пород в русле реки Днепр, между городами Днепр и Запорожье, затрудняющие судоходство по реке. В 1932 году почти все они были затоплены при заполнении Днепровского водохранилища, образовавшегося со строительством Днепрогэса..... Из всех девяти порогов только Ненасытенский из-за чрезвычайно быстрого течения зимой не замерзал. Над правым берегом нависала скала Монастырка."

Именно Ненасытенский порог изображён на актуальной картине, скала Монастырка (в последствии после приезда Екатерины II названная Екатерининской скалой) и этот же порог изображён на картине номер 4773 (примечание автора).

".. В 1787 году императрица Екатерина II по дороге из Екатеринослава в Крым посетила Ненасытецкий порог (рядом с которым был устроен деревянный дворец) и наблюдала за тем, как кодацкие и каменские лоцманы проводили через порог восемьдесят галер.

Затопленный порог находится напротив села Василевка-на-Днепре. Село Васильевка было основано на левом берегу Днепра в 1776 году наместником в Екатеринославском крае генералом Синельниковым. На правом берегу он же основал село Николаевка в 1780 году."

Именно имение Николаевское Веры Малама изобразил М.А. Алисов на последней картине номер 4777 ( примечание автора).

И ещё одна цитата из Википедии:

".. Вера Ивановна Малама, как правнучка генерала Синельникова , унаследовала поместье Николаевское, которое было подарено Ее знаменитому прадеду императрицей Екатериной II. Поместье было на берегу Ненасытенских порогов. Екатерина II, путешествуя в Херсон, посетила это поместье и осталась в специально построенном временном дворце с тем же именем. Со скалы Монастырка Ее Величество наслаждается видом порогов и провозом через них казаками царской флотилии кораблей. "и тем же способом пилоты проводят королевскую флотилию кораблей. В последствии эта скала был переименована в честь императрицы на "Екатерининская скала".." (см. описание к картине номер 4773. прим. автора).

Here is translation of the artist´s biography from the Russian web-Site:

Mikhail Alexandrovich (1859 (Kharkiv)-1933 (Yalta). Landscape- and seascape painter.From 1887 to 1889, he studied at the Petersburg Academy of Arts by Yulius Klever. He then moved to Crimea, where he worked and studied in Feodosiya by Ivan Ajvazovski. His main canvas is devoted to the types of Crimea, as well as Kharkiv: for example, "Yalta", "Feodosia Cove", "Fog" (all 1889), "Uda near the Base" (1900), "Rail linen" (1902) and others.In 1900 Alisov was at the exhibition of an art mug in Astrakhan; In 1910, at the exhibition of the artistic and performing society in Yekaterinoslav. In 1914, he appeared as a founding member and an exponent of an art circle in Yalta. His personal life exhibitions are known three: In 1900, 1902, 1903, they all went to Kharkov in the framework of the partnership of Kharkov artists.The typical work of an artist is "Crimea." "The Coast of the Sea" (late 19th century). Quiet, emerging day on the shore of Crimean Bay is served through soft, muted tones. In the gamut of colors, there´s a lot of blue: the Sea mirrors the sky. The rocky shore and trail along the sea are deserted. In the manner of an artist, the ways in which the water is depicted are influenced by the Aivazovskys.Paintings by the artist are stored in Kharkov, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Dnepropetrovsk Art museums, and the Sevastopol art gallery.

Images of similar paintings by Alisov see on following link:


Provenance: former estate of Vera Ivanovna Malama-Sinelnikov, estate Nikolaevskoe by Yekaterinoslav /now Dnipropetrovsk; then the property of her grandson / Italy, later, in 2014 purchased by us from a Italian private estate ( copy of export documents of Italian culture ministry for the last owner attached to the painting).

Literature: Solovjev "Russian painters of 18th-20th cwnturies", 2005; Kondakoff "Aniverssary book of the St. Petersburg Academy 1764-1914; Dictionary of Ukrainian artists (in Ukrainian)" , Ukrainian encyclopedia Edition, Kiew, 1973; in on-line: Wikipedia and (both in Russian).

Inscription: signed in old-russian and dated lower left: "M.Alisov, 1906", on the back of the canvas - old label with the illegible inscription in Italian of the grandson of Vera Malama.

Technique: oil on canvas, original period gold-plated frame.

Measurements: unframed w 27 1/3" x h 15 1/8" ( 69,5 x 38,5 cm ), framed 36 5/8" x h 24 1/4" (93 x 61,5 cm).

Condition: in good original condition.

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