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Artist:     Alexandre (Jules A.) Gamba de Preydour ( Paris, born 1846)
Item ID   6365
Price:     3200.00 €


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This fine flower painting was executed by high quoted French flower and gerne painter Alexandre (Jules Alexandre) Gamba de Preydour (born 1846 in Paris). He studied by Gerome and in 1869-1895 exhibited in the Salon de Paris woth portraits, flower and genre compositions. His works are in the Museum of Chartres and numerous European private collections.

Literature: artist lexicons: E. Benezit " Dictionary of painters, sculptors, decorators and etchers"(in French), Paris, 1999; Thieme/Becker, Leipzig,1999; bellier-Auvray, Dict. Gener., I, 1882.

Inscription: signed lower right.

Technique:  oil on wood.  Original period gold-plated frame.

Measurements: unframed w 12 2/3 " x h 16" (32 x 40,5 cm), framed w 19 1/4" x h 22 7/8" (49 x 58 cm)

Condition: in very good condition.