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Artist:     Carl Josef Alois Agricola (1779-1852) attributed
Title:     Cupid schooting an Arrow
Item ID   681
Price:     2900.00 €


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Carl Josef Alois Agricola (1779 Saeckingen/Baden - 1852 Vienna) was a very well-known Austrian historical, portrait and miniaturist painter. The artist was born in Germany, began studying in Karlsruhe, moved to Vienna in 1798 and studied at the Viennese Academy under the famous Fueger. Agricola became a very popular portrait miniature artist and also made many historical and allegorical paintings. Especially known are his paintings with little children, a few of them can be seen at the Austrian National Gallery "Belvedere".

Inscription: unsigned

Technique: oil on canvas , original period gold-plated frame

Measurements:  unframed 17 3/4" x 21 3/4" (44,7 x 55 cm); framed w 22" x h 26 1/4"(56 x 66,5 cm)

Condition: in  good condition, profesional lined.