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Artist:     Bernard Louis Borione (b.1865)
Title:     The amateur artist
Item ID   1361
Price:     3500.00 €


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Bernard Louis Borione was born in Paris in 1865. He was a pupil of his father and the artist Evariste Luminais . Borione specialised in painting genre subjects and interiors. The domestic antics of members of the higher echelons of the Roman Catholic Church exercised a powerful fascination for a number of popular painters and their patrons in the second half of the nineteenth century and in this Borione was no exception. The intimate portrayals of the life of the clergy are at once amusing and full of character but also highly skilful in execution. The use of Episcopal purple or crimson enhances the artist´s palette and adds richness to an already sumptuous interior. Borione exhibited his paintings at the Salon des Artistes Francais and his works were as popular then as they are now.

For other works by this painter see items No.: 1045; 1457.

Literature: E. Benezit " Dictionary of painters, sculptors, decorators and etchers"(in French), Paris, 1999

Inscription: signed lower left.

Technique: oil on canvas. Luxuriousy original period gold-plated frame.

Measurements: unframed w 10 2/3" x h 13 3/4" (27 x 35 cm ) , framed 14 1/3" x 17 1/2" ( 36,5 x 44,5 cm )

Condition : very good