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Artist:     Karoly Cserna (1867 - 1944)
Title:     Monumental view of Cairo with Mosque El-Ritai on the background
Item ID   1647
Price:     8000.00 €


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Large painting with street scene before Mosque El-Ritai in Cairo was created ca. 1906-1907 by famous Hungarian oriental painter and illustrator Karoly Cserna (1867 Kunszentmiklós, - 1944 Budapest). He studied : 1884-89 Master drawing school by János Greguss and Bertalan Székely; 1889-90 PrivateSchool of Károly Lotz; 1890 with state stipendium travelled to Germany; 1903-05 stdied in Munich by Martin Feuerstein and Ludwig Herterich. Between 1889 and 1915 his illustrations were published in Zs. Vasárnapi Újság und in the Books adition of A Magyar Nemzet Története, Magyar Történelmi Életrajzok und Die Österreich-ungar. Monarchie in Wort und Bild/Az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia Írásban és Képekben. 1906-07 he worked by Court of Khedives in Cairo; created a lot of painitngs about arabian World und portraits of sitter und his family. (for this works he awarded with Medshije-Order of 3. Kl.). 1907-12 worked in Máriabesnyoe, 1912-16 in Munich. Durind WW1 he was as drawer by news-papers on the front. Lived since 1918 in Budapest.Works: BUDAPEST, Budapesti Történeti Múz. – Magyar NM. – MTA.Exhibitions: Between 1890 und 1924 - in Budapest, Muecsarnok; Nemzeti Szalon.

Literature: MagyKépLex, 1915; L.Éber/Gy.Gombosi, Muevészeti lex., Bp. 1935; MuevLex I, 1965. – A MTA Értesítoe 1913, 538; K.Szász, Muevészeti Élet 1934(1-2)10; L.Vayer, A történelmi muevek illusztrálása, Bp. 1938, 9-12; Gy.Szentiványi, Szépmuevészet 1944, 65-66.

Inscription: signed lower left

Technique: oil on canvas, original period gold-plated frame

Measurements: unframed w 29 1/2" x h 39 1/3" (75 x 100 cm); framed w 37 1/3" x h 47 1/4" (95 x 120 cm)

Condition: in very good condition

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