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Artist:     Rudolf Fedorovich Frentz ( Russian, 1831 - 1918), (in Russian: Р.Ф.Френц)
Title:     Russian hunting scene
Item ID   5437
Price:     7500.00 €


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Hunting scene with Russian hunter on horseback and borzoi dogs was executed in 19th century and shows all stylistic criteria to be attributed to the hand of famous Russian horse and hunting painter of German origin Rudolf Fedorovich Frentz (1831 Berlin -1911 Gatcina by St.Petersburg). For comparison with his other works see our additionally images.

Rudolf F. Franz — Russian artist and painter of German origin, the artist´s father Rudolf Frentz.He was born in 1831 in Berlin, in 1854 he graduated from the Berlin Academy of arts. In 1857 he moved to St. Petersburg, where he painted portraits to order. Among his works — portraits of Grand Dukes Nikolay Nikolaevich and Vladimir Alexandrovich, the other members of the Russian Imperial family. Was known as the artist-animal painter. In 1885 he was elected an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of arts.

WORKS MOSCOW, Tret´jakov-Gal. - Mus. for horse breeding. ST.PETERSBURG, Russ. Mus. - Mus. the Russ. Academy.

EXHIBITIONS: St.Petersburg: 1863-64 ACademy; 1878 Cooperative of Peredvizniki / WA: 1867, ´78 Paris; 1876 ​​Philadelphia / 1886 Berlin: Akad exhibition. (Gold-Med.) / 1911 Rome: Jubilee exhibition.

Literature: in German : artist lexicons by Thieme/Becker; Saur; in Russian: Kondakov II, 1914, 209; Bown, 1998 (see Frents, Rudolf Fedorovich). - Illjustrirovannoe obozrenie vystavki ACh, StP. 1886, 40; Katalogi akademiceskich vystavok, StP. 1892, 31; 1893, 17, 26, 37; 1897, 13; A.Panteleev, Gatcinskaja Pravda v. December 24, 1981; 225 let Akad. Chudozestv SSSR (K), I, Mo. 1983; Severjuchin / Lejkind, 1992 (usually also incorrectly called under the son); Izobrazitel´noe isk. rossijskich nemcev XVIII-XX vv., Mo. 1997; Play & passion in Russian fine art (K St. Petersburg), Bad Breisig 1999; T.F. Rodionova, in: Gatcina. Stranicy istorii, StP. 2001, 102 s .; Velikij Knjaz ´Aleksandr Aleksandrovic, Mo. 2002, 610 s., 621, 628, 632, 647 s., 663, 668

Inscription: unsigned.

Technique: oil on canvas. Gold-plated original frame.

Measurements: unframed w 17 3/4" x h 23 1/2" (45 x 59,5 cm), framed w 22 7/8" x h 27" (58 x 68,5 cm).

Condition: in very good condition.

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