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Artist:     Nathanael Sichel (1843 Mainz - 1907 Berlin)
Title:     Portrait of a oriental beauty
Item ID   5891
Price:     8000.00 €


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Fine portrait of a young oriental beauty was executed by renowed German-Jewish portrait artist and orientalist Nathanael Sichel (1843 Mainz - 1907 Berlin). He studied in Mainz, later at the Academy in Berlin (1859-1862) under Jul. Schrader (master pupil). In 1863 he recieved Rome Prize of the academy for his historical painting "Joseph interprets the dreams of Pharaoh". He moved to Paris 1865 and to Rome (1866-1868). After return to Germany, worked in Mannheim, Frankfurt and Mainz as portrait painter, since 1874 - in Berlin. Particularly recieved his acknowledge for his portraits of idealized oriental beauties.

Paintings by him are in public possession: museums of Brauenschweig, Rostock, Mainz , Cologne.

Literature: F.v.Boetticher " Painting works of 19th century ", 1898; Thieme/Becker "Lexicon of artists from antique to contemporary", Leipzig, 1999.

Inscription: signed upper right, on the back of the original frame - label with a exhibition number.

Technique: oil on wood panel. Magnificent original gold-plated frame.

Measurements: unframed w 12 1/4" x h 16 1/8" (31 x 41 cm), framed w 24" x h 28" (61 x 71 cm).

Condition: in very good condition.

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