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Artist:     Anton Petter (1781 - 1858)
Title:     Coronation of German-Bohemian King Charles IV ( Karl IV) to Holy Roman Emperor in 1355 in Rome
Item ID   907
Price:     12000.00 €


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This historical painting  of museum quality is a typical work of outstanding austrian historical painter  of classicism  time Anton Petter ( 1781 - Vienna - 1858 ). The subject, style and composition of it are very close to the famous works of A. Petter in Austrian Gallery Belvedere in Vienna and New Gallery in Graz . To comparison see additional photo from Belveder museum and press next  links :


Subject of this painting  is very rare in the art : the coronation of german-bohemian king Karl IV(Charles IV) in in Rome in 1255 to Holy Roman Emperor.

Since 1792  A.Petter studied  at the  Art Academy in Vienna, where he copied the old masters.  In 1808  he travelled   to Rome and in 1809 recieved  as first artist in the history renown Reichel-Price(quated with 1500 gulden) . In 1814 he became the member of Vienna Academy and  in 1822 - Professor for  Historical Art. From 1829 to 1850 he was a manager of  the  School of Painting and Sculpture by the  Academy in Vienna .

Anton Petter was austrian representative of Classicism . He used  antique motives and first of all the  religious and historical sujets  from austrian  and german history.

His works :

  • Tod des Meleager (Wien, Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der bildenden Künste, Inv. Nr. 167)
  • Kaiser Maximilian I. und Maria von Burgund (Graz, Neue Galerie), 1813
  • König Pøzemysl Ottokars Sohn Wenzel bittet Rudolf von Habsburg um die Leiche seines 1278 in der Schlacht bei Dürnkrut gefallenen Vaters (Wien, Österreichische Galerie), 1826, Öl auf Leinwand, 180 x 222 cm
  • König Ahasver verurteilt Haman zum Tode (Wien, Österreichische Galerie), 1835, Öl auf Leinwand, 128 x 159 cm

Literature : Thieme/Becker " Dictionary of arists"(in German) , Leipzig, 1999;   Prof.H.Fuchs "  Die Österreichischen Maler", Vienna, 1975;Cataloque of "Österreichische Galerie Belvedere" in Vienna and "Neue Galerie"  in Graz .

Inscription:  unsigned

Technique: framed oil on canvas

Measurements: unframed w 37 1/3 " x h 29 1/2" (95 x 75 cm ) , framed  w 43 1/3" x h 35 1/3" (110  x 90 cm)

Condition: in very good condition, canvas profesional relined

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