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Artist:     Hans Thiele (1850 - 1925) after Peter Paul Rubens (1577- 1640)
Item ID   1425
Price:     1400.00 €


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Museum quality watercolour executed ca. in 1890-s after famous painting by Rubens "The Four Continents" ( ca. 1620, now in the Art History Museum in Vienna). The author of this watercolour - Austrian academical painter Hans Thiele (1850 Friedland/Bohemia - 1925 Vienna). Thiele worked in the beginning as porcelain painter in Thueringen,since 1871 studied in the Vienna Fine Arts Academy by Peter Johann Nepomuk Geiger and August eisenmenger , After study he returned to porcelain painting , then traveled and lived in Rome in 1894 where copied old master painting. This work he continued in Art History Museum after his return to Vienna and became one of the most virtuose copy artist. For comparison of our watercolour with original painting by Rubens press this link:

Inscription: signed and inscribed in german lower right

Technique: watercolour on paper. Original period gold frame.

Measurements: unframed w 9 1/2" x h 7 2/3" (24 x 19,5 cm), framed w 13 3/4" x h 11 2/3" (35 x 29,5 cm)

Condition: in very good condition