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Artist:     Luigi Mayer (c. 1750 - 1803 )
Title:     Church entrance in a Austrian village near Linz
Item ID   4279
Price:     1200.00 €


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For other works by the same artist see item no. 1737, 4220, 4221. Original gouache with street scene before a village church near Linz (Upper Austria) was xecuted 1794 by good-listed neoclassicist painter and graphic artist of Italian origin Luigi Mayer,  who travelled around Europe and Asia Minor (Turkey, Austria, Greece, Bulgaria, Walachia, Syria, Palestine) and created a lot of rare topographical views from his journeys in 1776-1800. His topographical views ( watercolours and gouaches) were base of many graphic series by different English publishers and etchers. Here is quotations from "The history of art " ( about Luigi Mayer: "..Pre-Orientalism:Although Orientalism did not become a well-defined style until the 19th century, its roots can be traced to a general love of exotica in the 18th century. Artistic treatment of Eastern subjects took the form of charming, picturesque recordings of artists´ travels through Eastern countries, with scenes clearly refined to suit the tastes of a European audience. Of particular note is the work of the Swiss pastel painter and engraver Jean-Etienne Liotard (1702-89). Another 18th-century artist to venture east was Luigi Mayer (c. 1755-1803), who travelled through the Ottoman Empire between 1776 and 1794, sketching and painting panoramic landscapes, ancient monuments, and the Nile and its surroundings..." Reproductions after Mayer`s gouaches se under following link:

Literature: "General Artist´s Lexicon " by Thieme/Becker, F.v.Boetticher "Malerwerke des 19 Jahrhunderts".

Inscription: under image : titled and inscribed in Italian, dated 1794 and signed Luigi Maye, Rom, dipint (painted by).

Technique: gouache on paper. Original period gilt frame.

Measurements: only image w 11" x h 7 3/4" (28 x 19,5 cm), image with fields and text w 12 5/8" x h 9 1/2" (32 x 24 cm), framed w 19 1/8" x h 15 3/4" (48,5 x 40 cm).

Condition: in very good condition.

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