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Artist:     Eugène GALIEN-LALOUE (French, 1854 - 1941),
Item ID   4364
Price:     1500.00 €


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Paris street scene in front of the La Madeleine was executed ca. in 1920s-1930s and due to the identical composition , manner and original monogram EGL was attributed to the hand of very renowed French painter Eugene Galien Laloue (1854 - 1941), who recieved world acknowledge for his gouaches with Paris street scenes. Literature: Artist lexicons by Bénézit (in French) and by Thieme/Becker (in German). Inscription: signed with monogram E. G.L., lower right. Technique: gouache on paper. Original period frame. Since framing the cover was never open (see photo of the backside). Measurements: unframed w 10 5/8 " x h 8 1/4 " (27 x 21 cm); framed w 15 " x h 12 1/3 " (38 x 32 cm). Condition: in good condition.