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Artist:     Peter Edward Stroely or Stroehling (1768 - 1826), important miniaturist in the service of Russian, German and English Court
Title:     Portrait of an aristocratic Lady
Item ID   4548
Price:     10000.00 €


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Extremely rare miniature on ivory of one of most important European miniature painters of the last quarter18th - beginning of 19th centuries Peter Edward Stroely also spelled Peter Eduard Ströhling, and sometimes Stroely or Straely , in Russian: Строли). Stroely was portrait artist from either Germany or the Russian Empire who spent his later years based in London. He worked in oils and in miniature and painted a number of European Royal portraits. The artist is considered one of the most important miniaturists of his time.

According to most sources, Stroehling was born in 1768 in Düsseldorf. However, one biographer states that he was a Russian of German descent, educated at the expense of Catherine the Great. He worked in Paris, Mannheim, Frankfurt, and Mainz, and about 1792 was studying in Italy. Early in 1796 he was in Vienna and the same year travelled to Saint Petersburg to attend the coronation of Paul I of Russia, taking with him a retinue of servants and representing himself as an English nobleman. He subsequently gained much portrait work in Saint Petersburg and stayed there until 1801.

From 1803 to 1807 he was in London, where like Johann Zoffany he foresaw significantly better opportunities to make his name and fortune than at a German court, and was there again from 1819 to 1826. He exhibited his work at the Royal Academy between 1803 and 1826. Stroehling was uncertainly reported to have died in London about 1826, and no new work was exhibited after that date.

Chronologically identificated several periods of his work (source: the dissertation"Art of painter-miniaturist Piter Edward Stroli" (in Russian) by L.Pulikova, Moscow, 2012):

-1766-92-"early period" creativity P.E. Stroely is characterized by a series of small works in the spirit of sentimentalism, created in different cities of Germany. Typologically very similar work and written as if by a specific schema, is dominated by family or single portraits, images of children. In the late 1780 's first miniatures on ivory.

-1792-94- "Italian period" is determined by the time at the Royal Court of Naples Stroely created for the King miniature works, which depicts the members of the Royal House. Stylistically, the period was characterized by tendency to bright enough colours.

-1794-97- "Vienna period" reflects the activity of the master in the Court of the monarchs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Examines paintings and miniature artworks, with portraits of the family of Emperor Franz II and representatives of famous aristocratic families. Sleek and sophisticated artistic taped handwriting of Stroely, there has been a fascination with master cold colours, the emergence of allegorical works.

-1797-1802 "Russian period". Is considered work time Stroely in Moscow and St. Petersburg at the Court of Paul I., pays special attention to portrait images of representatives of high society late XVIII-early XIX century, occupying an important position in the life of Russian society. he named in St.Petersburg as Piter Edward Stroli. Here was created by the artist a large number of miniature portraits of Russian Royal House and aristocraty, paintings and drawings.

-1803-28-English period ", the final stage of creativity Stroli, associated with the presence of the artist in London. The title of the historical painter of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent and the creation of numerous works, allowed the Stroely firmly occupy the niche of art life in London. The influence of the English School of miniatures at the works of this German Master is to see in 1803-07 , as well as the romantic developments in oil works in 1820-ies.

Here is quotation of the artist's biography in Russian:

".. - 1766 — 92 - «ранний период» творчества П.Э. Строли характеризуется серией малоформатных произведений в духе сентиментализма, созданных в разных городах Германии. Работы типологически очень похожи и написанные как будто по определенной схеме, преобладают семейные или одиночные портреты, изображения детей. В конце 1780-х появляются первые миниатюры на кости.

- 1792 — 94 - «итальянский период», определяется временем работы П.Э.Строли при дворе Неаполитанского короля, создаются миниатюрные работы, на которых изображены члены королевского дома. Стилистически период характеризуется тяготением мастера к достаточно ярким цветам.

- 1794 - 97 - «венский период» отражает деятельность мастера при дворе монархов Австро-Венгерской империи. Исследуются живописные и миниатюрные произведения, с портретами семьи императора Франца II и представителей известных аристократических фамилий. Выявляется изящный и утонченный художественный почерк Строли, отмечается увлечение мастера холодной цветовой гаммой, появление аллегорических произведений. - 1797 - 1802 - «русский период». Рассматривается время работы Строли в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, при дворе Павла I. Уделяется особое внимание портретным образам представителей высшего света конца XVIII - начала XIX в., занимавших важное положение в жизни российского общества Анализируется большое количество миниатюрных портретов, живописных произведений и рисунков. Делается вывод, о типологическом разнообразии работ Строли в указанный период. - 1803 - 28 - «английский период», заключительный этап творчества Строли, связывается с пребыванием художника в Лондоне. Звание Исторического живописца его Королевского Величества Принца-Регента и создание многочисленных работ, позволили Строли прочно занять свою нишу в художественной среде Лондона. Выявляется влияние английской школы миниатюры на произведения немецкого мастера в 1803 - 07 гг., а также романтические веяния в станковых произведениях 1820-х гг."

Provenance: Viennese private estate.

Literature: Thieme/Becker , 1999.

in on-line:

Peter Edward Stroehling (1763–1826) at

Inscription: signed lower left.

Technique: gouache on ivory. Original period gilt bronze frame.

Measurements: unframed w2 3/4" x 3 1/4 " (7 x 8 cm), framed w 3" x h 3 1/3" (7,5 x 8,5 cm).

Condition: good condition .