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Shipping & packing

In case the client does not have the possibility to pick up or arrange for shipment of his item, we will gladly offer different sorts of shipping and packing options.

The client is to pay for all costs of shipping, packing, insurance and all additional charges connected to the shipment.

In this part you will find shipping and packing information.
In case the item does not include shipping information, please contact us to receive the complete information.

In case you are buying several items that are to be shipped together to the same address, we are willing to cover a part of the shipment.

We offer a wide variety of shipping possibilities.
Shipment by Austrian Post
DHL, UPS, MBE (Mailboxes Express)
Car Courier
Rail Cargo
Post Shipment is the cheapest option, we also are packing securely the item ourselves. Post insurance is COVERED ONLY IN CASE OF LOSS, BUT NOT IN CASE OF DAMAGES DURING SHIPMENT.
Post shipment is only possible for a specific range of measurements.

Packages are to be calculated for Europe as follows:
(1 Length + 2 wide +2 thickness) = 320 cm
USA ,Canada,Russia, Ukraine = 205 cm.
There is addionaly Mail Express Service for international clients. Range of measurements: length 120 cm, (1 length +2 wide+2 thickness) 360 cm.

Forwarding shipping agencies like: DHL,UPS and Mailbox
DHL and UPS:
our securely packing ourselves. Insurance only again loss.

Mailboxes Express (MBE)
offers professional packaging and FULL INSURANCE COVER FOR LOSS AND DAMAGES DURING SHIPMENT. Very short delivery time of max. 5 days.

Rail cargo: only for European shipment with high measurements.

Car Courier for Europe, full insured, delivery ca. 1 week.

For our Russian clients: there is the full insured opportunity for car courier delivery "door to door". For detaills please contact us.