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Fine Art Gallery "ALTE KUNST", the member of CINOA (International Confederation of Art and Antique Dealers Associations), associated member of

Our gallery is a family owned gallery, founded by Leon and Angela Wilnitsky in 1997.

The owners are originally from Ukraine, in 1989 settled in Austria, coming from a families of doctors and scientists, whereas, his grandfather was 100 years ago an antique dealer.

Although Leon Wilnitsky’s profession is master of economics, he always had special interest in Fine Art. After five years working with his elder brother Boris Wilnitsky and studying very deeply all aspects of the Art business, Leon received  in 1997 authorization from the Austrian chamber of commerce as a certified art dealer (in German: Kunsthändler).

In the same year he opened his own fine art gallery “ALTE KUNST” in the heart and center of Vienna, Austria.
Alte Kunst ( in English: Old Art ) is one of the first art galleries in Europe that has started its online business in the internet, as one of the selected members of Association Sotheby’
Alte Kunst specializes in buying and selling East and West European Art from the 17th to middle of 20th centuries by international and local known artists.
We have long years of experience selling artworks to major public museums and international private collectors.  

With a large private client base and bright specialization we offer a warm and correct environment for you to buy and sell fine art in our gallery in the heart of old Vienna, or direct in our online shop



Fine Art Gallery "Alte Kunst", member of CINOA (International Confederation of Art and Antique Dealers Associations)

Owner: Leon Wilnitsky - Art dealer (in German: Kunsthändler)

Adress: Spiegelgasse 21,1010 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43 1 513 7918 Mobil: +43 664 260 5164 Fax: +43 1 513 7918



Dealer ID: ATU 443 896 02

Administrative body: Magistratisches Bezirksamt des 1. Berzirkes, Vienna, Austria