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Artist:     Gregory Minsky ( Ukrainian, 1912 - 2011)
Title:     Still life with peonies, apples and paintbruches
Item ID   2081
Price:     2200.00 €


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Stilll life painting created in post-impressionistic style was executed in 1976 by classic of Ukrainian art, honoured artist of Ukraine and member of Artist Union of USSR Gregory Minsky (born 1912 in Odessa). He studied in Odessa Art School and Kiew Artist Institute since 1938, He volunteered for the front in WWII, returned after war and continued study. His main genre is landscapes, city views and revolutionary historical paintings , Exhibitions: 1998 - National museum of Art, Kiew and Artist House (2010). For illustrations of his  1998 exhibiton cataloque 1998 see our additional photo and for biographyand auctions results of his works  see web-site  (in Russian) :


Provenience: purchased by the author in 1998.

Literature: exhibition cataloque and on-line biography under

Inscription: signed lower right, on reverse signed (in Russian) again , titled and dated 1972, old label of Ukrainian Artist Union.

Technique: oil on canvas.

Measurements: unframed 35 1/2" x 31 " ( 90 x 78,5 cm).

Condition: in very good original condition

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