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Artist:     Theodor (Fedor Fedorowitsch) Horschelt (1829 - 1871), in Russian: Федор Горшельт
Title:     Missed and regained original drawing : "Aslan Beg ,convoi cosssak of governor-general Barjatinsky"
Item ID   2344
Price:     3200.00 €


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Extreme rare drawing from the Russian-Caucasian War 1858 created by famous painter Theodore (Fedor Fedorovich) Horschelt , who took part in this military expedition. The drawing was represented in the famous illustrated print work ""Kavkazskie Pokhodnye Risunki Gorshel¡¯ta", St. Petersburg, 1896, but was long years missed , and now new founded in the one prominent German art collection . For the illustration from the print work and aditional description of Horschelt`s travel to Caucasus see following link:

Theodor Horschelt (later in Russia called Fedor Fedorovich Gorschelt or Gorscheld) was a very well-known German horse and battle artist and an outstanding orientalist. He was born in Munich in 1829, studied under M. Echter and at the Munich Academy under H. Anschuetz and especially under the German horse painter Albrecht Adam. In the late 1853 Horschelt made a long trip over Paris and Spain to Algeria, where he stayed until 1856. From this journey the artist brought many studies after nature, part of them shown in different German exhibitions of the following years. In 1858 an old dream came true and Horschelt travelled over Odessa, Sevastopol and Kerch to Tiflis, to witness personally the fights of the mountain peoples from the Caucasus rebelling against the Russian. He was accepted as a volunteer to the staff of General Baryatinski and took part in the Caucasian war on the side of the Russian troops fighting in the battles between 1858 and 1863 against the Caucasian folks. For some drawings Horschelt made during that time, he was elected Academician (Member) of the Russian Imperial Academy of Fine Arts in 1860. When the war was over he went to St. Petersburg in 1863, where he was awarded by Tsar and during the same year moved back to his native Munich, bringing many drawings, studies and sketches with him. The artist died in Munich in 1871.

Literature: F.v.Boetticher "Malerwerke des 19 Jahrhunderts"; Thieme/Becker "Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden K¨¹nstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart".

Inscription: inscribed with name of person lower right , on the reverse inscribed with the name and dates of the artist.

Technique: unframed watercolour on paper

Measurements: unframed w 9 1/4 " x h 13 1/2" (23,5 x 34,5 cm).

Condition: in very good condition.

Here is the same info in Russian: (source : www. :

Рисунки Горшельта и Кавказская война.
Тоже интересная фигура - художник из Мюнхена Theodor Horschelt (1829-1871), в России его звали Федор Федорович, приехал на войну и увидел самые важные эпизоды, что можно, нарисовал, сотни рисунков и несколько картин.
"В 1858 г. отправился на Кавказ, сопровождал экспедицию г. Вревского в Дагестан; в 1859 г. принимал участие в зимнем походе генер. Евдокимова в Чечню и в военных действиях против черкесов черноморского прибрежья; был свидетелем пленения Шамиля; посетил Баку, Эривань и др. места Армении и, проведя таким образом пять лет на Кавказе, возвратился в Мюнхен".
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