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Artist:     Алексей Боголюбов Aleksei Bogolyubow (Russian,1824-1896)
Title:     Moonlit scene with military ships in the harbour of Dordrecht
Item ID   2364
Price:     price on request


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Moonlit seascape with unloading of military ships in the harbour of Dordrecht /Holland. This unique marine painting by very prominent Russian military marine painter Alexei Petrovich Bogolyubov (1824 Pomeranje/Novgorod gubernia - 1896 Paris/France) was purchased from the important private Czech estate , there is the old expertise of the Province Museum of Fine Art in Nahod/Czech Repulic, which was recieved by the previous owner in 1987 (see additonal photo, original will be attached for futured owner) . Our painting was executed by Bogolyubov in 1856 , also in the time of his travels to Holland, Belgium and France in 1853-1860 . It`s signed by the author lower left, and as often by Bogolyubov, inscribed with the place of scene (in abbreviated form) : "D.D. (18)56 "( full: Dordrecht 1856).Short biography of the artist see in Wikipedia under link:

The biography of Bogolyubov in Russian see under link:

Provenance: important private estate in Czech Republic.

Literature: Solovjev V.D. "Russian Artists of 18-20th centuries"(in Cyrillic), 2005; Thieme/Becker "Allgemeines K¨¹nstlerlexikon"(in German), Lepzig, 1999; Golitzina I.A. " §¡§Ý§Ö§Ü§ã§Ö§Û §¢§à§Ô§à§Ý§ð§Ò§à§Ó", Bely Gorod, Moscow, 2006.

Inscription: signed lower left , inscribed and dated "D.D.56" (Dordrecht 1856) lower right.

Technique: oil on canvas. Original period gold-plated frame.

Measurements: unframed w 21 " x h 11 3/4" (53,5 x 30 cm), framed w 26 3/4" x h 17 1/3" (68 x 44 cm)

Condition: in very good original condition, no repaints or paintlosses, original canvas , the painting was cleaned by an academical restorer.

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