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Artist:     Eduard Veith (1856-1925)
Title:     Love songs
Item ID   4106
Price:     1500.00 €


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This romantic painting was executed ca. 1890-1900s and due to the fully identical manner was attributed by experts of Viennese auction house Dorotheum to the hand of famous Austrian artist of the turn of the 20th century Eduard Veith (1856 Neutitschein - 1925 Vienna). On the reverse of stretcher is a auction label with this attribution. Eduard Veith after having completed his studies as pupil of Laufberger at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts, continued studying in Paris. His specialties were large plafond and wall paintings, as well as frescos with mythological and historical subject matters. These works can be found in various famous buildings in Vienna and Prague. Veith was also a reputable and popular painter of female portraits.

Inscription: unsigned, on the back of the stretcher - auction label with the attribution.

Technique: oil on canvas. Original period frame.

Measurements: unframed w 11 3/4" x h 14 1/2" (30 x 37 cm), framed w 20 1/2 " x h 23 2/3 " (52 x 60 cm)

Condition: in good condition.

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