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Artist:     Belgian painter , late 19th century
Title:     Great portrait of a little girl
Item ID   5907
Price:     3000.00 €


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Great portrait of a little girl was executed c. in 1880-90s by a representative of Belgian school. On the back of the stretcher are few old memorylabels with inscriptions in French.

Inscription: unsigned, on the back of the stretcher are 3 antique memory labels: 1. „ Eva Hyernaux-Vaes, wife of notary Emile-Phillipe Vaes.. . Grandmother of Paule Grinsbach-Stegns" and 2. indistinctly of restorer , dated 1984; 3. of frame Maler in Buxelles.

Technique: framed oil on canvas.

Measurements: unframed w 35 1/2" x h 48 3/4" (90 x 123 cm), framed w 39 3/4" x h 52 3/4" ( 101 x 134 cm).

Condition: very good, profess. canvas relining.

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