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Artist:     Salo Schottlaender (1844 Silesia - 1920 Breslau)
Title:     „The great learned Rabbis of Israel", rare lithograph, late 19th century
Item ID   5909
Price:     950.00 €


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"Die Grossen, Gelehrten Rabbiner Jsraels. The great learned rabbis of Israel.” Featuring bust portraits of the great Ashkenazic and Sephardic rabbis from the 12th to 19th centuries, with a larger, central image of Maimonides; the whole topped by ‘Crown of Torah.’ Hebrew (and some German) captions which include respective rabbi’s name and other information including: city, position, magnum opus and date of death. Some staining along center left portion. Lithographed and printed in Breslau (Galcia) by famous Jewich publisher Salo Schottlaender ( 1844 Münsterberg/ Silesia - 1920 Breslau/ Galizia).

Full biography of Schottlaender read in the German Wikipedia.

Literature: on-line Wikipedoa in German.

Inscription: inscribed in Getmanunder image lower right: " Lith. ( lithographed) u. (and) Druck ( printed) v. (by) S.chottlaender in Breslau".

Technique: lithograph on papier, matted and framed.

Measurements: only image 19 1/4" x h 15 1/3" (49 x 39 cm), , matted and framed w 23 5/8" x h 19 1/2" (60 x 49,5 cm)

Condition: in good condition.

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