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Artist:     Alexandre Defaux (French, 1826 - 1900)
Title:     Street scene before a cathedral (old Rouen ?)
Item ID   5071
Price:     4500.00 €


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View of an old French town, probably, old Rouen , which the author of this work famous French painter Alexandre Defaux repeatedly depicted in his paintings.

Alexandre Defaux (1826 Bercy (Paris) - 1900 Montigny-sur-Loing ), where he lived. Student of Camile Corot. . Around 1876 stay in Pont-Aven. 1881 member of the Legion of Honour. – D. is one of the famous Interpreters of his teacher´s painting style. He painted landscapes (Ile-de-France, especially the forest of Fontainebleau) and coastal views (Normandy, Brittany), genre paintings (country scenes, farms with pets) and city architecture views in oil, some still lifes (among others flowers and fruits).

WORKS: AMIENS, Mus. de Picardie: Bouleaux, souvenir de Fontainebleau. ANGERS, MBA: UN lavoir sur la Marne. BREST, MBA: Intérieur de ferme, Oil; Troupeau de vaches à l ´abreuvoir, Oil, 1867. CAEN, Mus.: Paysage, sous bois. CARCASSONNE, MBA: Les bouleaux, forêt de Fontainebleau, oil. DIEPPE, MBA: Soir d ´automne, Oil. DRAGUIGNAN, Mus.: Port de Pont-Aser. FECAMP, Mus. Mun.; Falaises, oil/oak. FONTAINEBLEAU, Mus.: Cour de ferme; La maison de Millet à Barbizon, Oil. GRENOBLE, MBA: Paysage, cour de ferme, study, 1853; Forêt de Fontainebleau, Oil, 1879. MULHOUSE, MBA: Vue prise à Montigny-sur-Loing, Oil, 1882. NARBONNE, MAH: L ´été à Montigny-sur-Loing, Oil (Expos. des BA de Narbonne 1893). Former NEW YORK, Sotheby´s (Aukt. v. 17.2.1993): En Brittany. PARIS, Orsay: Le port de Pont-Aven, Oil (Salon 1880). ROUEN, Mus.: Le plateau de Belle-Croix; Les bords de la Loire. SAINT-BRIEUC, MAH: Gros temps à Bourg-de-Batz, Oil, 1877. SAINT-ETIENNE, Mus.: Environs de Granville. STRASBOURG, MBA: Maison dans la forêt. TOUL, Mus.: Portr. d ´homme à cheval; C.H. de Rarécourt de la Vallée de Pimodan.

Exhibitions: Paris: From 1859 Salon ; 1900 World exhibition (Gold-Med. for Le printemps dans les bois à Auvers, Oil, Salon 1875); Salon du Cercle artist. et littéraire (Rue Saint-Armand); 1913 gal. Georges Petit: Expos. de tableaux de petits maîtres de l ´Ec. de 1830/Nantes, Salon de la Soc. des Amis des Arts/1876-93 Dublin, R. Hibernian Acad.

Literature: ThB8, 1913. DBF X, 1965; Harambourg, 1985; 4. RoyalHibAcad I, 1986; Schurr/Cabanne I, 1996; Bénézit IV, 1999. – J.Bouret, L ´Ec. de Barbizon et le paysage franç. au XIXe s., Neuchâtel 1972; Delouche, 1977; 4. E.Girardet, in: Pont-Aven et ses peintres. A propos d ´un centenaire, Rennes 1986; Punited. et sculpt. du XIXe s. La coll. du Mus. de Grenoble (K), P. 1995; Art foyer 1995. Lsch. in Light (K), Ka. 1995

Inscriptions: signed and dated 1859 lower right, antique bronze plaque with the artist’s name and dating, mounted to the frame.

Technique: oil on canvas. Original period gold-plated frame.

Measurements: unframed w 23 1/3" x h 29" (59,5 x 73,5 cm), framed w 29" x 34 1/2" (73,5 x 87,5 cm).

Condition: in very good condition.

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