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Artist:     Albrecht Adam (1786 - 1862),
Title:     Study of white mold race horse
Item ID   5461
Price:     2800.00 €


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A pair to the next item number 5462. This fine study of noble race horse was executed in 1840s -50s and due to the very close manner and quality was attributed to the hand of important Getman horse and military painter Albrecht Adam ( 1786 - 1862). For comparison see similar study , represanted in the exhibition cataloque " Albrecht Adam and his family" (in German), Munich, 1982. . Literature: artist dictionary by Thieme/Becker(in German), Leipzig, 1999; "Albrecht Adam and his family" (in German), Munich, 1982. Inscription: unsigned, name of horse "Anusa" lower left. Technique: oil on canvas, later laid down on cardboard.. Original period frame. Measurements: unframed w 15 1/4" x h 12 1/2" (38,7 x 31,8 cm), framed w 20 1/4" x h 17 1/2" (51,5x 44,5 cm) Condition: in very good condition.

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