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Artist:     Vienna Bronze, early 20th century
Title:     Art Deco 5 -Piece Desk Set with Elephants
Item ID   2485
Price:     5000.00 €


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Rare Vienna bronze Art Deco masterfully detailled 5-piece desk set with elephants figures , which consists of Ink well with barrel , strewing sand container and excellent figures of two fighting elephants; 1 visiting card bowl; 1 letter file; 1 small bowl with match holder; 1 letter-opener. All parts are with bronze figures of elephants, ivory fangs, and onyx bases. The set is typical high-quality work in Vienna in 1920s.

Inscription: unsigned .

Technique: bronze, black patina,fangs of elephants - ivory. Base of each part - onyx.

Measurements: ink well w 20 1/2 " x h 5 1/2 " (52 x 14 cm), visiting card bowl diameter of round base 9 " x h. 5 1/8 " (23 x 13 cm), match holder w 6 1/4 " x h 3 3/4 " (16 x 9,5 cm), letter file w 3 3/8 " x h 2 3/8 " (8,5 x 6 cm), letter opener w 10 7/8" (27,5 cm)

Condition: in very good condition.

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