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Artist:     Jean Daniel Welper ( Strasbourg 1730 - 1789 Paris) attributed
Title:     From the Estate of Count Joerg Adelmann von Adelmannsfelden: "Portrait miniature of a young nobleman"
Item ID   2172
Price:     8000.00 €


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This extreme fine portrait miniature of a young nobleman was purchased on important auction of Sothebys " Of Royal and Noble Descent", Amsterdam 16.-17.october 2001, lot.No.246 and came to auction from the estate of of Count Joerg Adelmann von Adelmannsfelden, Castle Arenfels, Rhein. Tthe miniature was attributed by experts of Sothebys to the hand of famous Belgian-French artist, court miniaturist of Louis XV Jean Daniel Welper (Strasbourg 1730 - 1789 Paris). Jean Daniel Welper was court miniature painter by french monarch Louis XV and teacher of his daughters. Worked for King and also for Prince Coude. His miniatures situated in Louvre Paris (portrait of King`s dauther in masquerade dress) and in the noble private estates in Vienna, Basel, Paris, Germany).Provenance: The estate of of Count Joerg Adelmann von Adelmannsfelden, Castle Arenfels, Rhein, purchased on auction of Sothebys " Of Royal and Noble Descent", Amsterdam 16.-17.October 2001, lot.No.246.

Literature: Thieme/Becker "Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler.."Leipzig, 1999 ; Vollmer "Künstlerlexikon des 20. Jhrhunderts".

Inscription: unsigned.

Technique: gouache on vellum (parchment). Original period wood frame.

Measurements: 9 1/2 " x 12 " (8 x 5,8 cm), framed 4 1/" x 3 3/8" (10,5 x 8,5 cm)

Condition: in very good condition.

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