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Artist:     Various miniature artists early 19th century
Title:     Set of seven miniatures including portraits of French King Louis XVIII
Item ID   2243
Price:     2200.00 €


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Set of 7 French miniatures under one wood frame , mounted to velvet background, consists:

I. 4 miniatures on ivory including: two portrait miniatures of French King Louis XVIII (1755 - 1824) in full face and in profile; portrait of a nobleman in gold and blue enamel frame; portrait of a lady in bronze frame.

II. 2 enamel miniatures of beauties;

III. one ivory relief of old Greek or Roman personality. All seven miniatures were executed by different French artists in th end 18th - beginning of 19th centuries.

Inscription: unsigned.

Technique: gouache and gold on ivory, enamels, ivory relief. Gilt frame and velvet background of later period.frame.

Measurements: two portraits of generals , diameter 1" (2,5 cm); portrait of lady 1 1/8" x 1 3/8" ( 2,8 x 3,5 cm), framed 13/8" x 1 5/8" (3,5 x 4,2 cm); portrait of nobleman 5/8" x 3/4" (1,4 x 1,8 cm ), framed 7/8" x 1" (2,2 x 2,5 cm); relief 3/8" (1 cm); enamels , each 3/8" x3/8" (0,8 x 1 cm); total framed dimensions: w. 8 1/4" x h. 6 1/4" (21 x 16 cm).

Condition: in overall good condition.

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