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Artist:     Franz Krueger (1797 - 1857) attributed
Title:     Two Russian Portraits
Item ID   800
Price:     5000.00 €


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This is reduced price. . Original price was 7000 €.

This two very high quality portraits of young aristocrat family is a typical and authentic work of the famous russian-german portrait and horse painter Franz Krueger (1797-1857).The subject, style and composition of this paintings are very close to the works of Krueger and matches absolutely all stylistic criteria of his works .

Franz Krueger (1797 Grossbadegast - 1857 Berlin), called "Horse-Krueger", studied at the Berlin Academy for a short time from 1812 and continued his education as an autodidact. He extensively studied thoroughbred horses at the royal stables. Prince August of Prussia and Count Neidhardt of Gneisenau helped him to acquire high patrons, who let portray themselves on horseback and with retinue. Krueger soon rose to the most noted militarian and portrait painter of Berlin. He painted portraits of the members of the Prussian royal family, of various court persons, of Prussian high society. In 1825 Friedrich Wilhelm III granted him the title of "Royal Professor". At the same time he became a full member of the Academy of Arts. Krueger´s fame led him to numerous professional trips. In 1839-1840 he worked at the court of King of Hannover, in 1854 at the court of Grand Duke of Mecklenburg. The artist repeatedly travelled to St.Petersburg to paint on commission of Tsar Nikolai I (in 1836, 1845, 1847, 1850/51). From 1840 on he was the favourite painter of the next Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV and his retinue.

Literature: Thieme/Becker; Prof.H.Fuchs " Lexicon of Austrian Artists ", Vienna, 1975

Inscription: rest of signature "Fr..." by lady´s portrait lower right

Technique: black and white chalk, heightened with white gouache on brown-grounded paper, laid on original mount, green mounts of the late date , original period frames.

Measurements: images (each) : 10 " x 11 1/3" (25,3 x 30 cm); framed 17 1/2" x 19 1/2" (45 x 50 cm)

Condition: in very good condition due to age

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