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Artist:     Grigory Meerovich Gordon (Russian,1909-1995) Григорий Гордон
Title:     Sunny day on the Red Square in Moscow, 1940
Item ID   2522
Price:     5000.00 €


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Rare view of Moscow from 1940, shortly before the beginning of World War II was executed by renown soviet portrait and landscape painter Gregory Meerovich Gordon (1909 Caunas - 1995 Moscow). This painting is  typical example of socialist realism, but at the same time it created in a careless decadent manner. Despite the lack of freedom in the choice of artistic style in the era of socialist realism, the artist was not injured and was not excluded from the Union of Artists. 

Gregory Gordon   graduated the Vitebsk art school In 1929. Then, from 1929 to 1934 he studied at the Moscow Polygraphic Institute  under famous soviet painters Sergei Gerasimov, Alexander Deineka and Nadezda  Udaltsova. Till 1929 lived in Vitebsk, then moved to Moscow. Since 1927. actively participated in regional, national and all-Union exhibitions.
During World War II he served in the Political Department 3rd Ukrainian Front in the rank of captain. Awarded military orders and medals. A member of the CPSU from 1944.
Since 1938 - Member of the Union of Artists. At one time headed the party organization picturesque sections MOSSH.
The result of the creative artist´s trip to Berdyansk in 1936 was a series of paintings "The fishermen of Azov", and the result of travel in the Donbass -" Portrait of a noble steelmaker Korobov".
In 1979 he held a personal exhibition in Moscow.
G.M.  Gordon was awarded the diploma of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, as well as diplomas and certificates MOSH RSFSR.
Major works: a series of "Fishers of Azov," 1936., Painting "Poets of the revolutionary years" 1964. "Talking about music (the composers D. Kobalevsky, Tikhon Khrennikov, Khachaturian and Shostakovich), 1972-75. In addition, GM Gordon, known as a master of portrait, landscape and still life. His works are in museums in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, as well as in private collections in Russia, England, Spain and the United States.
He died in 1995. in Moscow. Full artist`s biography in Russian see on following link:

Provenance:  Private collection in Praque.

Literature : Thieme/Becker "Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon", Leipzig, 1999;Solovjev V.D."Russian Painters of 18-20 centuries"(in russian), Moscow, 2005Inscription: signed lower left , on reverse of the stretcher inscribed with name of artist.

Technique: oil on canvas. Original period frame.

Measurements: unframed w 31 1/2" x h 23 5/8" (80 x 60 cm), framed w 34 3/4" x h 26 3/4" ( 88,5 x 68 cm).

Condition: in very good condition.

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