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Artist:     Franz Bohumil Doubek (1865 - Budweis, Praque, Munich - 1952 )
Title:     Happy company in a pub
Item ID   2700
Price:     8000.00 €


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Masterfully genre scene in a Munich pub was executed on the turn of 20th century by well renowed Czech paintere and illustrator Franz Bohumil Doubek (1865 - 1952). The artist studied at the Praque academy , then at the academy in Munich by Otto Seitz and Alex. von Liezen-Mayer. He settled in Munich , where became popularity for his genre scenes, historical paintings and portraits .Most of his works situated in private collections and in Museum of Budweis. He created a seria of watercolours for Herzog Ludwig Salvator of Austria, one large decorative painting for castle Wosaek. He illustrated famous magazine of the time: "Fliegende Blätter", and worked for book editions. Dobek exhibited his works in Praque, Vienna, Munich and Berlin.

Literature: Artist lexicons by H.v.Vollmer and Thieme/Becker.

Inscription: signed with the artist`s monogram F:B:D.

Technique: oil on canvas, original period frame.

Measurements: unframed w 24 3/4 " x h 22 1/2 " (63 x 57 cm); framed w 30 1/4" x h 28 " (77 x 71 cm).

Condition: in very good condition.

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