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Artist:     Barthelemy (Josef Bartholomeus) Vieillevoye ( Belgian, 1798 - 1855 )
Title:     Portrait of two noble children from the family de Thier
Item ID   4340
Price:     24000.00 €


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Masterfully Biedermeier portrait of two children from the family de Thier (due to the owner legend) was executed in 1836 in Liege by famous Belgian portrait, religion and historical artist Barthelemy (Josef Bartholomeus) Vieillevoye ( Belgian, 1798 - 1855 ).

Barthelemy Vieillevoye (1798 Verviers - 1855 Luettich) studied at the Academy in Antwerpen, later in Paris. Director of Academy in Luettich. His paintings situated in Museums of Antwerpen and Luettich, in the churches St.Gervais and St.Pholie.

Literature:  in German: Thieme/Becker "Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden KĂĽnsler..", Leipzig, 1999; "General artist lexicon (AKL)" by Saur; Schurr V, 1981

Inscription: signed with place name Liege and dated 1836, on the backside of the stretcher - old label with the inscription in French about the painter.

Technique: oil on canvas. Rare original period gold-plated frame.

Measurements: unframed w 39" x h 33 1/2" ( 99 x 85 cm), framed w 41 3/4" x h 47 1/4" (106 x 120 cm)

Condition: in very good condition.

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