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Artist:     Hans Zatzka (Austrian 1859-1945)
Title:     Splendid still life with flowers, bird and butterflies
Item ID   6900
Price:     8000.00 €


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Splendid still life with flowers, bird and butterflies was created in the end of 19th century by very renowned and high listed Austrian artist Hans Zatzka ( 1859- Vienna -1945). Today his paintings achieve remarkable prices in the international art auction market. Hans Zatzka studied from 1877 to 1882 at Vienna Art Academy by Christian Griepenkerl and Carl von Blaas. Beeing a student at the Academy, he was awarded with a Gold Füger-Medal. As decoration painter he favoured subjects from Wagner´s operas and mythological scenes. Zatzka was very popular for his paintings of pretty girls, allegorical scenes with nymphs and putti,oriental genre paintings.For other works by this painter on our web-site see items No.2293, 2425, 2506, 2510, 3208 on our web-site.

Provenance: Viennese private estate.

Literature: "General Artist´s Lexicon " by Thieme/Becker and " Dictionary of austrian artists " by Prof.H.Fuchs (in German).

Inscription: signed H.Zatzka lower center, on the back is artist's inscription in German: "Jede Art Vervielfaltigung vorbehalten. Hans Zatzka" (in English: "Each kind of repetition reserved by the artist. Hans Zatzka).

Technique: oil on canvas. Luxuriousy original period gold-plated frame.

Measurements: unframed w 31 1/2" x h 25" (80 x 63,5 cm), framed w 37 1/4" x h 30 3/4" (94,5 x 78 cm).

Condition: in very good condition.

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